Hello everyone.
Recovery from my recent knee operation is progressing well and I actually made an appearance at Jam Night last Thursday as a ‘punter’. I won’t be back to normal Jam Night duties ‘full-time’ until after Christmas but it was great to see everyone again after my few weeks absence, and especially to see Gavin back and playing again. He continues to go from strength to strength with his recovery after his stroke.
On Saturday, I attended the second and final week of my Level 1A Umpires course. All pretty intense but very enjoyable too !
On Monday, I had my third of four sessions of physio in the gym at the hospital. This was followed up with a Tuesday afternoon appointment with my consultant. My recovery is going well as my knee continues to heal and respond to all the physio. I should even be driving again soon !
So there you have it – a brief summing up of a few things I’ve been up to over the past few days. Hope you’re all getting ready for Christmas – Not long now !
BFN, Rob.