Black Strats and Buck-ettes at The Oaks

Last night at the Oaks in West Hyde, I was priviliged to accompany Ed on guitar for the duration of his second set.

The gig was originally intended as a Fast Buck gig but Richard ( Dick Dastardly ) is currently out of action with a rib injury – Ooops ! – I’m starting to sound like one of those sports writers now !  Richard is therefore unable to perform keyboard duties at present, so when Ed asked me if I’d like to do a guest spot with him as a sort of Christmastime special, my enthusiasm levels, if measured in VU meter terms, lurched into the red !

Armed with my black Fender Stratocaster, matching Ed’s black Fender Stratocaster, ( perhaps we should have called ourselves The Black Strats … OK, maybe not … ) we kicked off the second set launching into one of my more familiar favourites, Bad Company’s ‘Can’t Get Enough’.  I soon found myself in less familiar territory with some of the subsequent numbers, having to concentrate hard in trying to follow what Ed was playing. I hope I didn’t put him off too many times with my errant chord changes – I don’t think I did too badly though overall.

Thanks to all the crowd for their support, particularly Tony and Richard ( affectionately known as The Buck-ettes ) who, from where I was standing, were more audible than I was !  Thanks to Les for bailing me out with his mic stand ( it must be catching ). Thanks to Mooooose for driving and helping me carry that weight ( a long time ) and for allowing me and Ed to shout “Moooooose” down our mics.

And of course thanks to Ed for his invitation to join him on stage. Hope to get the chance to play with him again sometime.

BFN,  Rob.

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