Back in the old routine

Greetings pop pickers !

Hope you’re over the Christmas / New Year break and now back in the old routine. I know I am.

I was going to QPR this afternoon, but other issues have intervened, not least of which, the weather. A bit snowed in at the moment, so I’m staying in today ! The score at QPR is 0 – 0 at the time of writing, so really riveting !

Jam night started up again on Thursday after the festive break and it was good to see some new faces joining in the fun along with some more familiar friends. Nice to see everyone after the break especially as the temperature was a bit on the baltic side. Don’t forget, jam night is on every Thursday from now on, so see you all there.

As mentioned before, plans are afoot for an up-grade of this web-site. Still not sure when but don’t worry if you log onto a blank screen one day. It won’t be down for long and in any case I’ll be giving as much advanced warning as possible.

So, hope to see you at Jam Night or a gig soon ( see ‘Gigs’ page ).

BFN,     Rob.

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