Return to Jam Night

Jam Night

Hi folks !

Yes, tonight sees my return to Jam Night after another enforced absence due to recent knee surgery. I’m looking forward to re-joining the Jam Night fun and frolics and hope to see as many of you as possible.

There’s still loads happening on the the Riff Raff front too.  The ‘Hands On’ project is coming on in leaps and bounds. Recording of the album has been completed and is now in the process of being mixed, so the release of this long awaited CD is now on the horizon. Watch this space for further up-dates folks !

And it’s also possible we may even have a live Riff Raff gig soon. An April gig at one of our old haunts, The George in Kingsbury, is in the process of being sorted out.  Again, further details will follow as soon as confirmed.  This means the band will be having rehearsals in the coming weeks – hope we haven’t forgotten too much !

Robfest, our annual get-together for a specially invited audience, is also being discussed for 2012, with the probable date being Sunday 29th July. Once again, watch this space !

Oh well, that’s just about it for now.  Until next time … BFN,  Rob.


    1. Hi Tony.
      It was good to get back to Jam Night last week.
      Thanks for lending me your USB stick – I’ll try not to forget it on Thursday !
      All the best, Cheers, Rob.

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